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May 22, 2010

Ultimate Firemaking Skill Guide From 1 to 99 In RuneScape

Firemaking is a skill in RuneScape, involving burning or lighting items. The skill of Firemaking can be trained by both member and non-member players. There is not much difference if you train Firemaking as a member or not, but you should know that the Firemaking Skillcape can only be obtained when you are a member. You will still be able to wear it when your membership runs out, unless you take it off or wear another cape.

The most important tool in Firemaking is the tinderbox. This can be used on logs and it will allow you to create fires. If you are a member and have started Barbarian Firemaking, then you may use any sort of strung bow to start a fire. To light a log, you need to click on the log and then click on your tinderbox or bow.

You may find that Firemaking is extremely boring. Many people have tried to get 99 Firemaking and only the dedicated and more determined ones have succeeded. When training the skill, you will have to concentrate fully on your goal of 99 Firemaking. When you get a full inventory, which is one tinderbox and 27 logs, you will have to keep clicking on your tinderbox and your logs to light them. Try to keep a rhythm when you are lighting your logs. This will keep your Firemaking going steady without the chance of a log dropping on the floor without being lighted.

If you have decided to start Firemaking at level 1, then you’ll have to start off by lighting normal or alchey logs. You can decide to chop the logs if you want. Keep on going until you reach level 15, where you can begin to light oak logs. Afterward a while, you will reach level 30 Firemaking. This is the point where you light willow logs. At level 45, I highly recommend you to light maple logs. These can only be chopped by members but they can be burned anyone at the level of 45 Firemaking or over. Try to buy the logs at this stage, because if you keep chopping logs it will take forever for you to reach 99 Firemaking.

For some players, the amount of maple logs you need to reach 99 Firemaking can turn to be pretty costly, so if you find that you are short of money, buy willow logs and light them. They are one of the cheapest logs in the game. But definitely burn maple logs, if you are able to. If you keep following this guide, hopefully you will have 99 Firemaking in between one and two months without training any sort of other skill. You may achieve 99 Firemaking in less than one month, if you play for a long time.

You need lots of determination to reach your goal and when you do you can obtain the Firemaking Skillcape by buying it from Ignatius Vulcan in Seer’s Village for the price of 99,000 coins. Seer’s Village is a member’s location so the Skillcape can only be obtained if you are a member. If you can’t be a member, don’t worry. There are thousands of RuneScape players out there with level 99 skills but they can’t get a skillcape for the same reason. There is still glory and pride to be the top in any skill.

Thanks for your reading,this guide is collected for otherwebsite,I am hope this guide can help you to level your firemaking get to 99 quickly in Runescape!

May 19, 2010

The newest and the best 1-120 RuneScape Dungeoneering guide

Dungeoneering is the newest skill. It has been added in April 2010 in RuneScape. It combines a variety of skills and puts your logic to the test. You will gain Dungeoneering XP by finishing dungeons under Daemonheim. Through this skill you will be able to access almost all the other game’s skills, and you will get XP for all of the skills, too!

First you will need to get to Daemonheim. There are three ways:

1. Cast Lumbridge Teleport spell and then pass over the River Lum to the east. If you already finished Prince Ali Rescue quest you can pass through the Al-Kharid Gate for free. After passing the toll gate go south and take the ship to Daemonheim.

2. If you are an invincible adventurer, then pay a visit to Daemonheim through Wilderness. Just north-east of the Lumber Mill and Varrock.

3. If you visited Daemonheim before, you will be able to use the Ring of Kinship’s ability Teleport to Daemonheim. It will teleport you in the front of Daemonheim.

The following map will show you how to reach Daemonheim for Lumbridge using the first two ways.

Now that you have reached Daemonheim speak to the Dungeoneering tutor. He will give you the Ring of Kinship (if it’s your first visit). You will require it to enter the dungeons and to teleport to Daemonheim.

You will now need to select a floor and an complexity. The higher the floor number is, the worse the monsters will be. The higher the complexity level is, the bigger the dungeon will be and more skills will be used while Dungeoneering.

Left Click on your Ring Of Kinship or Right Click and select Open Party Interface. Then Hit the button Change near Floor and select the floor you wish to play on. In the beginning you’ll only be available to play floor 1. You must have a bigger Dungeoneering level to access higher floors. Now hit the button Change near Complexity and select the complexity level you wish. In the beginning you can only play on level 1. Playing level 1 will unlock level 2 and so on until level 6. The following images should make it more clear to you:

Now you are ready to enter your first dungeon! After you entered the building just left click or right click and select Climb down to enter the dungeon.

You will be in a room with some tables. I have chosen complexity 6, so I will not get anything in the beginning, except of my Fractite Platebody. I’ve got it because I have selected it in a previous dungeon and chosen Bind option. Binding items will allow you to keep them from one to another dungeon. At level 50 you will be able to bind 2 items simultaneously. At level 100 you can bind 3 items, and 4 item at level 120. Did I mention before Dungeoneering has 120 levels instead of 99 like other skills? No? Then I mention it now: Dungeoneering has 120 levels instead of 99 like other skills.The image below shows you things that you usually find in the starting room.


yellow arrow: Smuggler. The Smuggler will sell you basic items like tinderboxes and hatchets and will buy everything from you, so you can get money for the useless drops you get.

orange arrow: Rune-Crafting altar. You can use it to craft ANY kind of runes. The best thing is that you can craft for example chaos runes even if you are not a member. And you don’t need pure essence. You can buy Rune Essence from the smuggler for 50 gp each or you can get it like a drop from monsters in different quantities.

red arrow: Furnace and Anvils. I hope you already know what to use them for…

blue arrow: Door. You will need to pas through doors to complete a dungeon. Every dungeon in like a labyrinth that you’ll need to pass. First time you try to open a door it will show you what is in the next room, before entering it. Some doors are skill-limited, so you will require a certain level at ANY skill to open it. Be aware that you can harm yourself while trying to open a skill door. The doors with high-level requirements, like level 85 strength will usually lead to bonus rooms. I’ll talk about rooms later.

white arrow: Key. Other doors can be locked with certain forms and colours of keys. The colours are: blue, yellow, red, green, silver, gold. The forms are: corner, crescent, diamond, pentagon, rectangle, shield, triangle and wedge. You will require the same key with the door to open it. The keys can be found only one per room, in every room, excepting the ones with bosses.

First, take all the stuff from the tables. Sell the useless stuff and equip any useful armor and weapon you get. Now you have to enter a door and to pass in the next room.


yellow arrows: Monsters. Every room is usually filled with monsters. You must defeat them to be able to advance to the next room(s), if there are others.

blue arrow: Door. A door to the next room.

red arrow: In some rooms you will find useful tools to create things using your skills. The spinning wheel here will help you craft stuff, like the one in Lumbridge Castle.

white arrow: There’s a key behind that wall. See on mini-map.

Hint: Things dropped in a dungeon will NEVER disappear if you are playing alone. If you are in party with someone else, every drop can be taken by another players.

As you see in the picture I have found a key that is able to open a door. In this case, they are both green corner.

Just walk through the rooms and kill the monsters. In your adventures you will meet deadly monsters and will have to solve impossible puzzles. Some of them also require skill levels.

Now, let’s talk about rooms. Rooms can contain: monsters, keys, doors to other rooms, useful tools through which you can create stuff with your skills (example: a mining rock, a spinning-wheel, an altar etc.) and puzzles. Puzzles must to be solved before you can use ANY of the doors in that room, exepting the one you came from.

The worst rooms are the boss rooms. To finish a dungeon you must kill the boss in the room and climb the ladder which will appear. You will win then experience, depending on how good you have completed the dungeon. You will have more XP for higher floors and complexities, for finishing all the bonus room and for the size of the room, but you will also lost if you died… The more time you died, the more XP you will lose. The following image shows the message that will show when completing a dungeon.

You will also get ome tokens, depending on how may XP you have won. You will get the tenth part of the XP without any approximation. For example, 1569 XP gained will mean 156.9 tokens, so 156 tokens. You will not get any tokens for the decimals! So, even if it were 360 XP or 369 XP, the amount of tokens will be 36.

These are all collected from other site,I'am think this should be enough for you to start Dungeoneering. Good luck for you,and hope you can enjoy playing Runescape new skill very much!

May 17, 2010

Quickly Strength Guide 1-99 In Runescape

Level 1- 20

Here you should be just starting out and beginning on cows, chickens or men. These oppositions are very weak and easy to kill so training on them for 30 minutes will put you at 20 in strength. There are a huge variety of monsters you can kill but for me these 3 types are ideal for starting out.

Level 21 – 40

Now you are a little higher combat and strength you need to start training on higher leveled monsters, hill giants and moss giants are pretty much ideal. They are so ideal because being the level that they happen to be they cannot hit particularly high, this is great for training as you will not require any food.

Level 41- 75

Now is where the real training kicks in, from 41- 75 will take about a week of skilled training. The next monster on my list is Fire giants, these are weak to strength attacks and this leaves a wide variety of xp available to earn. With fire giants even at level 41 you can be getting 50k xp an hour, like I said this is where the real training kicks in. Rock crabs are also available at this point but they are slower xp.

Level 76 – 99

Now from 76 – 99 will take a good month so don’t be put down when you’re not 99 after a week. For this you need to kill bandits. When killing bandits you must wear either an item from zammy or saradomin because this way the bandits will all attack you, this gets 70k an hour in an empty world. Training this way will make you the best on runescape and though it requires a bit of effort it is well worth the rewards.

There is always another type of monsters to kill because runescape is an enormous game, i have simply picked out the most common monsters to train on and displayed them to help others. do not expect to get 99 strength after 2 weeks, it takes time.


Whilst killing the monsters remember to pick up feathers, bones, jewelry and other items,these can be sold at general stores or to other players, the higher the monsters your killing the better and more expensive the drops are. wearing a ring of wealth will increase rare drop rates by 20% this is good.

Thanks for your reading,hope it can help you easy to level your strength get 99 quickly !

May 16, 2010

Tips and Guides For PvP In RuneScape


Taking on other players is a tricky business and in this Runescape Guide we will shed light on the approach that has proven most viable through the years. The information presented here has been derived from numerous interviews with some of the most prominent Player Killers or PKers in the game and it is without doubt a recipe for success. Bear in mind that this Runescape guide is only meant as a tool for beating players that are minded to beat you. Tricking other players into following you out in the wilderness and robbing them there with the help of this Runescape guide is an act of cowardice. We believe in honour among players.

A History of Violence

Runescape Player Killing or PKing has always been about beating your opponent with various tricks rather than relying on brute force and straight forward attacks. This is the way it was in old days of Runescape classic and it is even more so in Runescape2 – the Runescape we play today – which replaced the classic version in early 2004. Some things have changed since the old days though. In Runescape Classic you could not run so combat was almost always to the death and there was no auto-retaliation meaning that cheap shots would decide the outcome most of the time. The Runescape we play today offers easy escape routes via teleporting and running but on the other hand it also invites many new ways to ensnare your opponent. Most notably due to the new Combat level system. In the old Runescape you would raise your combat level continuously regardless of what skills you chose to practice, while the current Runescape is much more sophisticated in this respect and allows you to raise your skills a great deal before it is reflected in your Combat level. You can hide a lot of power due to this complex advance of combat level and that makes player vs player an elusive masquerade of skills. The builds that define this art are known as Pures.

The Pure Concept

Being pure is about dealing as much damage as possible relative to your Combat Level. The one thing that all pures have in common is Defense lvl of 1. Defense does not have any advantages in PKing and the same goes for Prayer with one possible exception which we will get to later. There are many PKers who equip Rune Armor and chant mighty prayers but they don’t even get half the kills of a true pure. Walking the path of Pures is all about specializing in attack skills and keeping Combat level relatively low. You can use this Skill simulator to see how much you can push your skills before your Combat level rises. The ideal Pure would have 99 Magic, 99 HP, 99 Strength, 60 Attack & 99 Ranged at an approximate Combat Level of 76. Nobody has managed to build this ideal Pure so far due to the enormous time it takes to get there but nevertheless it should be your goal.

Where to PK

The Duel Arena is pretty self explanatory so we will focus on the Wilderness here. The Wilderness level decides how big Combat level difference there can be between you and those you fight. In Level 1 Wilderness you can fight players that are 1 Combat level above or under you. In higher level Wilderness the possible combat level difference will increase accordingly but these areas should be avoided unless you are very high level with all skills properly trained. The most frequented places are lvl 1 Varrock, lvl 1 Edgeville or PK Castle & Dragons at lvl 14 just north of Edgeville. Most players are afraid of losing their items so they want an easy way out and that is why they hang around at such locations. Still these places are the best for PKing seeing as there are so many players around. So it all boils down to fighting players of similar Combat level and this is child’s play when you are pure.

General Strategy

Runescape PKing is a risky business and you must always be prepared to lose the items you carry. Don’t draw first blood and get a Player Killer Symbol above your head unless you are prepared to lose all your items. You will keep your 3 most expensive items – based on general store value – if you don’t have the symbol when you die. Your equipment costs should still be kept at a minimum due to all the other expenses in PKing such as potions, runes, arrows and food. Out-eating the opponent is the most basic strategy in the game and if you stumble upon someone loaded with food you should simply avoid him. Remember to always go for the fast kills if you are in it for the money. Nevertheless, you will need food to make it out there and it is sharks that give most bang for the bucks if you are a member, otherwise you should go for lobsters.

Free Play Pures

Free Play Training

Free play training – Ranged: Begin by killing rats in Varrock’s sewers with bronze arrows. When you hit 20 at around Combat lvl 10 you can move on to ranged guards in Edgeville. Hide Behind the walls to avoid their attacks. These guards will serve as target practise for the rest of the leveling. You should know that Magic and Melee is much better than Ranged for PKing at higher Combat levels but you will deal more total damage when you train Ranged skill meaning that Combat level will be kept at a minimum relative to the Hit Points. This makes Ranged training vital for a Pure.

Free play training – Melee: Training melee is really simple. You start out with low level monsters and move onto higher level ones as you grow stronger. Always use the best weapon you can equip. Rune scimitar is best because of its speed. The Giants in Edgeville dungeon are good for training once you are powerful enough to face them. Use accurate attacks until you reach Attack lvl 40 and then use aggressive attacks exclusively to increase your strength while keeping your attack level locked. You don’t want any more than 40 in attack so you must avoid the accurate attack entirely after that. This applies when fighting both monsters and players. Strength lvl 40 is enough for PKing but the higher the better. You must never use controlled attacks because they raise your defense level and you don’t want that.

Free play training – Magic: Go to the Jail at Port Sarim. Make sure you are equipped with Full Iron Armour and Green Dragonhide vambraces. This way you are unable to cast your spells so you can target the same monster again and again. The experience gain will be the same so it is very time saving. Start out with confuse at lvl 3 and when you hit lvl 11 it is time for Weaken; at lvl 19 you continue with Curse which should be used all the way up Magic lvl 59 which is your goal. Make sure you have plenty of Water runes, Earth runes and Body runes at your disposal.

Free Play Ranger Pure

Skills: Ranged 40

Concept & training: A pure Ranger is rather useless at higher levels so this is a low level build. Remember to simultaneously train your melee skills as high as you can without raising your combat level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Equipment: Yew shortbow, Adamant arrows, Green Dragonhide vambraces & chaps, Leather body, Coif, Leather boots & Amulet of Accuracy.

Extras: Cooked Lobsters.

Strategy: -

Free Play Melee/Ranger Pure

Skills: Ranged 40; Attack 40; Strength 40

Concept & training: You start out as a pure Ranger but when you hit Ranged Lvl 40 it is time to get your Attack skill and Strength up to useful levels. When Attack is lvl 40 you must train strength exclusively. Make sure to simultaneously train Ranged skill but never push it high enough for gain in Combat Level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Melee Equipment: Rune scimitar, Anti-Dragon shield, Amulet of Strength & Wizard’s robes.

Ranger Equipment: Yew shortbow, Adamant arrows, Green Dragonhide vambraces & chaps, Leather body, Coif, Leather boots & Amulet of Accuracy

Extras: Strength potions & cooked Lobsters

Strategy: Always start out with Ranged attack. If your opponent comes close you switch to Amulet of Strength, Rune Scimitar and Anti-Dragon Shield and take him out with agressive attacks. You might need the magic defense from Wizard’s robes if fighting a mage. Remember to boost your strength with potions and eat lobsters continuously.

Free play Mage/Melee/Ranger Pure

Skills:Ranged 40+; Attack 40; Strength 40+; Magic 59

Concept & training: This is the best and most all around build for free play. Basicly you just combine the builds outlined above. You begin as pure ranger, then you raise your melee skills to 40 attack & Strength and finally you train Magic. Remember to simultaneously train Strength and Ranged to ensure that they always are as high as possible relative to your combat level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Mage Equipment: Staff of Air, Wizard’s robe, Wizard’s hat & Amulet of Magic.

Melee Equipment: Rune scimitar, Anti-Dragon shield & Amulet of Strength.

Ranger Equipment: Yew shortbow, Adamant arrows, Green Dragonhide vambraces & chaps Leather body, Coif, Leather boots & Amulet of Accuracy.

Extras: Strength potions, cooked Lobsters, Fire runes & Death runes.

Strategy:With this build you have the luxury of adapting your equipment to your opponent. Use magic/melee equipment against melee, ranger/meele equipment against rangers and mage/ranger equipment against mages. Always start out as Mage; cast Fire Blast on your opponent and if he gets too close you switch to Rune Scimitar, Anti-Dragon shield and Amulet of strength. Throw in ranged attacks if fighting a mage. Remember to boost your strength with potions and eat lobsters continuously.

Member Pures

Member Training

Member training – Ranged: Begin by killing rats in Varrock’s sewers with bronze arrows. When you hit 20 at around Combat lvl 10 you can move on to Rock Crabs north of Camelot and Seer’s Village. If you don’t mind paying a little extra you can start using Iron knifes at this point to speed up the training. You can go all the way to Ranged lvl 99 against these Crabs. You should know that Magic and Melee is much better than Ranged for PKing at higher Combat levels but you will deal more total damage when you train Ranged skill meaning that Combat level will be kept at a minimum relative to the Hit Points. This makes Ranged training vital for a pure.

Member training – Melee: Training melee is really simple. You start out with low level monsters and move onto higher level ones as you grow stronger. Always use the best weapon you can equip. Dragon scimitar is best because of its speed. The Rock Crabs north east of Camelot are just as great for training melee as ranged. Use accurate attacks until you reach Attack lvl 60 and then aggressive attacks exclusively to increase your Strength. You don’t want any more than attack lvl 60 so you must avoid the accurate attack entirely after reaching lvl 60. This applies when you fight both monsters and players. You must never use controlled attacks because they raise your defense level and you don’t want that either.

Member training – Magic: Go to the Jail at Port Sarim or the Zoo by the Clock Tower in Ardougne. Make sure you are equipped with Full Iron Armour and Green Dragonhide vambraces and you are good to go. This way you are unable to cast your spells so you can target the same monster again and again. The experience gain will be the same so it is very time saving. Start out with confuse at lvl 3 and when you hit lvl 11 it is time for Weaken and at lvl 19 you continue with Curse which should be used all the way up Magic lvl 45. Make sure you have plenty of Water, Earth and Body runes at your disposal for this. You can buy a Mystic Mud Staff for infinite supply of Earth and Water runes. You should use Camelot Teleport once you reach lvl 45. Buy a lot of law runes and you are good to go. When you reach lvl 55 it is time for High Level Alchemy which is the most efficient way to train Magic. Yew longbows are the best items to work with. Buy Yew logs, Flax, Nature runes and a Fire staff for all your Fire rune needs. If you don’t have the time and energy to do the fletching you can simply buy the Yew longbows strung and ready but this will be more expensive.

Member Training – Prayer: Get yourself a large amount of Dragon bones and you are good to go. It is costly but well worth it.

Member Ranger Pure

Skills: Ranged 70

Concept & training: You can start PKing at lvl 40 just like with free play ranger but 70 should be the goal. Remember to simultaneously train your melee skills as high as you can without raising your combat level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Equipment: Magic shortbow, Rune Arrows, Black Dragonhide vambraces & chaps, Leather body, Coif, Leather boots, God cape or Obsidian cape, Amulet of Glory & Ring of Recoil.

Extras: Ranging potions & cooked Sharks.

Strategy: -

Member Melee/Ranger Pure

Skills: Ranged 70; Attack 60; Strength 60

Concept & training: You start out as a pure Ranger but when you hit Ranged Lvl 70 it is time to get your Attack skill and Strength up to useful levels. When Attack is lvl 60 you must train strength exclusively. Make sure to simultaneously train Ranged skill but never push it high enough for gain in Combat Level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Melee Equipment: Dragon scimitar, Dragon dagger (s), Wizard’s robe, Wizard’s hat, Unholy book of Zamorak, God cape or Obsidian cape, Amulet of Strength & Ring of Recoil.

Ranger Equipment: Magic shortbow, Rune Arrows, Black Dragonhide vambraces & chaps, Leather body, Coif, Leather boots & Amulet of Glory.

Extras: Super Strength potions, Ranging potions & cooked Sharks.

Strategy: Start out with Ranged attacks and try to get your enemy close to you. When he is close enough you switch to your poisoned Dragon dagger and pull off the special attack. Then finish the job with Dragon scimitar. Wizard’s robes might be necessary protection against mages. Remember to drink your potions and eat your food.

Member Mage/Melee/Ranger Pure

Skills: Ranged 70+; Attack 60; Strength 60+; Magic 85+

Concept & Training: This is the complete Pure. Build the Melee/Ranger outlined above and then add Magic training to that. Make sure to train Strength and Ranged skill simultaneously but never let them raise your combat level. Use the Skill simulator as guidance.

Mage Equipment: Zamorak staff, Wizard’s robe, Wizard’s hat, Unholy book of Zamorak, God cape or Obsidian cape, Ring of life & Amulet of Glory.

Melee Equipment: Dragon scimitar, Dragon dagger (s), Amulet of Strength & Ring of Recoil.

Ranger Equipment: Magic shortbow, Rune Arrows, Black Dragonhide vambraces & chaps, Leather body, Coif, & Leather boots.

Extras: Super Strength potions, Magic potions, Ranging potions, cooked Sharks, Blood runes, Fire runes, Water runes, Earth runes, Air runes, Law runes, Chaos runes & Death runes.

Strategy: Start out with your Mage setup. First cast Teleblock on your opponent so he can’t teleport away from you and then Entangle so that he becomes frozen on the spot for 15 seconds. Now you cast Charge to enhance your attack spell Flames of Zamorak which easily should hit your entangled foe. When your opponent breaks free you cast entangle again but be careful because he will become immune to it after a while. When the opponent’s life is down to about 50% it is time to bring out your melee weaponry. Run up to him when he is entangled and pull off the special attack with the poisoned Dragon dagger. Finish the job with Dragon scimitar aggressive attacks.

Member Whip Pure

Skills: Attack 70; Strength 65+; Prayer 52

Concept & Training: Prayer is a very useful skill but it raises your Combat level sky high which is why you need to keep the other skills at a minimum. Get Attack to 70 and then put everything into strength. It is an expensive build but very hard to kill due to the Prayers and maintainance cost is low compared to other builds.

Whip Equipment: Abyssal Whip, Monk robes, Unholy book of Zamorak, God cape or Obsidian cape, Climbing boots, Amulet of Glory & Ring of Recoil.

Extras: Super Strength potions, Prayer potions & cooked Sharks.

Strategy: At Prayer lvl 52 you have all protection prayers and Smite which will subtract from opponent’s Prayer in case he uses any. Use the appropriate Prayers and take on the opponent with the whip. Vary between the special and aggressive attack. There is not much you can do against teleporting but all other opponents should be possible to take out. Remember to drink the appropriate potion prior to using the skill in question and eat food when HP goes down.

Thnaks for your reading,hope these tips and guides can do you a favvor in PVP world!

May 8, 2010

How To Get Free Membership In Runescape

Getting a free Runescape membersihp is far easier than you may imageine, all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse!

1) Begin by creating for yourself a PayPal account, this is a free service used by online shoppers to buy things with greater speed, and ease. This does not require a credit card, or bank account information, though it will ask you for these, they are not required!

2) Once your PayPal account is set up, head over to and create an account there. Triond is a free service with which you can write an article on almost anything, you can also upload pictures, or viedos. There you must set it up to send your revenues to the PayPal account you just created. This can be done by Clicking the account tab, and scrolling down a bit.

3) After you have your PayPal account linked it is time to get going, create an article about anything, and i mean anything. After these are created and submitted, they will be placed somewhere on the internet, on relevent sites, where you will get viewers, you can now sit back and watch your revenue roll in.

4) Once you have accumulated whatever amount of money you need, at a set date your revenue will be transfered over to your PayPal account.

5) With Runescape there is an option to pay using PayPal, with the money in your PayPal account (that you earned completely free!) you can now enjoy all of the benefits that come with your new Runescape membership!

Thanks for your reading,hope this guide can help you to make free memmbership in Runescap

May 7, 2010

Top Five Prayers In Runescape

When it comes right down to it, Prayer can be very handy in Runescape. A battle could be totally changed with a simple prayer like Thick Skin (you start with this prayer at level 1, increases defence by 5%) So here are some of the most popular prayers used, both F2P and P2P (excludes the newer Ancient Curses prayers, due to the fact that they’re so new)

1. Protect Item Prayer (25 Prayer needed)

Even though this prayer has been recently blocked from using in PVP and Bounty worlds, it still remains one of the most popular prayers ever (this prayer is estimated to be activated once every 15 seconds). It allows you to keep one more item, so you keep 4 items instead of 3. This could be very helpful at times, and when you were skulled (marked when you are the first attacker of someone in a PvP or Bounty world) you lost all of your items. With the Protect Item prayer, you kept at least one (for unknown reason, this prayer was recently banned from use in the PvP and Bounty worlds)

2. Retribution (46 Prayer needed, Member only)

This prayer isn’t often used in places other than PvP, but is still a very commonly used prayer. What it does is it damages players around you if you were to die. This is used often in minigames such as Castle Wars and Stealing Creation. Outside of PvP, however, there isn’t much use of this prayer. If an NPC were to kill you and you use this prayer, there isn’t much point in it. In a PvP game such as Stealing Creation, however, it is very effective, because the damage you do could result in their death much faster. People are warned when you use this prayer, because the icon appears over your head, showing you have the prayer active. There are a few limits to this prayer, however, such as: A) It only inflicts damage to those in a 3×3 space around you, so if you were to be killed by someone using magic or range at a distance, your prayer wouldn’t hit them. B) The prayer only does damage if you have it activated, so if you die before you can, it’s a no-go. C) The icon over your head shows to people you are using this prayer, so they may be alert to use Magic or Range. D) The prayer will not hit multiple people if you are in a 1 on 1 combat zone, only your enemy E) overall, you die at the end, so it’s a bummer no matter what. (I’m not sure what factor affects the amount of damage Retribution does, but I can assume it depends on how high your prayer level is)

3. Protect from Magic (37 Prayer needed)

This prayer can be very helpful to you, especially if you are wearing Melee armor. This prayer can do the following A) Reduce the amount of damage taken by a Magic attack by 40%, and you are fully protected from an NPC from using magic (such as Skeleton Mage or Undead Mage) B) The amount of Hold time from Bind, Snare, and Entangle is reduced by 50% (note: this only applies if you had the prayer on when the spell was casted, it doesn’t effect the hold time if you activate the spell while on the hold) There are some downsides as well. A) The prayer drains your Prayer Points fast, 1 point ever 3 seconds. B) some NPC can hit through the spell (damage won’t be affected if you have it activated) Also, a Dragons Firebreath attack isn’t fully reduced. It provides the same protection as a Anti-Dragon shield, Dragonfire potion, etc. C) The hold time for Ice spells (ancient magic, mem only) isn’t reduced, thought the damage is.

4. Smite (52 Prayer needed, Members only)

This prayer has a similar icon to Retribution, the only difference is it’s blue instead of red. Smite can be handy in longer combat, as the effect is 1/40 of the damage done is removed off of your opponents prayer points (it used to be 1/4, but with the new HP update, you do 10x the normal damage you would of normally done). This prayer has only 2 downsides A) it drains VERY fast, 1 point every 2 seconds, and B) it does not affect NPC such as the Tormented Demon

5. Protect from Range (40 Prayer needed)

Also a common prayer, this one has similar effects to the Protect from Magic. It reduces the damage done from Ranged attacks by 40%. Remember, some NPC can hit through this prayer, so be wary.

Guide For Getting Free and Easy Tree Seeds In Runescape

In this guild you will find a way that will get you lots of tree seeds without wasting money, you will actually make profit.

Getting Free and Easy Tree Seeds

Have you ever wished to have one of those spirit trees? And how about a palm tree?In this guild you will find a way that will get you lots of tree seeds without wasting money, you will even make profit.Tree seed and Fruit tree seed can only be obtained by searching bird nests.There are many ways to get bird nests but I will only discuss the one truly effective – Kingdom Manage

Getting Started:

First of all you will need to have the following:

- Throne of Miscellania Completed

- Royal trouble Completed

- 1.5M Cash

- 100% Approval ratting

Note: This guide will not explain how does kingdom manage work on its totality, so if your unsure on how to use it please make sure you see a guide about it.

The Process:

-First make sure you put your approval ratting at 100% (Cutting maples is the best way to do this).

-After this go talk to adviser Grim and deposit your 1.5m in the Royal Coffers as well as putting 10 workers on maples and the rest on flax.

It should look something like this:

In case you don’t know your workers take 75k coins of the coffers each day which is 750k in 10 days.

Important Notice: Never let your coffers money go below 750k or you will not get as much supplies as expected.

- After talking to Grim go back to your Runescape business and come back the next day.

-The next day go talk to Grim and ask him to collect the supplies and you will have got bird nests full of rare seeds!

But now you say “Hey that wasn’t free I paid 75k for them”True but wrong if you sell the supplies you got along with the nest you will see you have more than enough to pay back the 75k.

-Now to do this at a less time consuming way just come back every 10 days to:

- Collect your supplies

- Put another 750k in the coffers

- Sell the supplies you got (750k)

- Raise your approval ratting to 100% (Approval rating drops 1% every day. Don’t let it go below 90%!)

- Do whatever you want meanwhile

Now here is and example of a week supplies

And if your thinking if this really works then just the my seed section.

Thanks for your reading,these are collected from other websites,hope that it can do you a favor to get tree seeds and can make much more money for your character in Runescape !

May 4, 2010

Runescape New 1-99 Thieving Guide

This time I have collected the best, fastest, most profitable, and in many places a combination of all three ways to get 99 Thieving for you,hope you can like it! Unlike other skills, Thieving develops from one of the slowest EXP gains in game to one of the fastest.
First off, a few helpful items to have:
1.Gloves of Silence – Requires 54 Hunting 2.Boots of lightness 3.Agile Top/Agile legs – Requires 90 Agility 4.Spottier cape/spotted cape 5.Blackjack (for desert thieving, not needed in this guide) 6.A wielded bow/crossbow, without (equipped) arrows/bolts 7.The a r d o u g n e Cloak 1, 2, or 3 8.Brawling gloves (thieving) 9.Highwayman mask (for looks) 10.Any food, preferably cakes or better 11.Enchanted Excalibur/s a r a d o m i n g o d s w o r d (for restoring hp) 12.Health-restoring summoning creature
Now, for the leveling part. Many sections in this guide will have alternate ways to do things. Mine is the recommended way, however, as it is the least tedious and most rewarding, and mostly the fastest.
Levels 5-20: Steal from Bakers Stall, Steal from Tea Stall
Also rather explanatory. Go to a r d o u g n e, and pickpocket the stalls. Guards attack you if you fail a pickpocket. I would recommend stealing cakes, as they can be used to heal you, and I believe respawn faster.
Levels 20-30: Steal Silk in ardougne.
When you hit level 20, just switch stalls and steal the silk.
Levels 30-37: Either keep stealing silk, or complete The Feud.
Levels 37-38: Steal from the fur stall in ardougne.Should be quick.
Levels 38-45: Steal from Master Farmers
Time to put on your gloves of silence, if you have them. Stealing from Master Farmers can be both good experience and profitable, if you don’t get caught. Additionally, you could steal from the nature rune and coin chest in a r d o u g n e, yielding a better profit and more exp/hour at these levels. They can be found in either d r a y n o r of a r d o u g n e.
Levels 45-55: sorceress‘s Garden (Autumn Quadrant)
A faster, more profitable alternate to blackjacking, which is why I put it into this guide.
Levels 55-60/99: Pyramid Plunder
The fastest exp gain in the game. Up to 200k/hour at level 91. Or you can do it to level 60, where you can pickpocket Master Farmers, giving large profits. Pyramid Plunder guide located here.
Levels 60-99: Stealing Master Farmers
Equip your gloves of silence, and pickpocket like crazy. Recommend using seed burgler for this. Up to 500-700k and hour at level 90, with gloves of silence equipped.

May 2, 2010

2010 Runescape GrandExchange Tips

There are lots of ways to make money in Runescape, and merchanting in runescape is a new and good way to make really money, Mainly because you dont have to put your effort in getting a really good income, of course it can be risky because the item value can decrease so much if people stop buying it, but if you stick with items with a really high demand like ores, logs, feathers, wool and other items.

The objective of merchanting is, buying high demand items for low price and put them on auction for higher price than what you bought them for, that will bring you a really good profit.

Everyone knows that you need money in order to make money, the more money you got, the more items you can buy, the higher the number of items you buy, the higher your income will be. So you should first get a good amount of money before you start merchanting through the grand exchange, at least 500k gold pieces.

Once you got the right money to start merchanting you should now decide on what item you should go, you can go yew logs, coal, iron, feathers, wool, wool balls but what i recommend is the feathers. Feathers are always in high demand cause of the people who wants to fletch or fish with them, they are on an average of 5-7 gp so if you can buy 100,000 feathers to 5 gold pieces each that would be 500k and then you can resell for highest price for 7 each that will make 700k which will be 40 percent of income which is 200k sounds nice? Well as you get more and more money you will make more and more money. Right now i am selling 3 mil feathers for highest price on the grand exchange and the best is that i just have to wait until they sell while i am skilling or fighting monsters.

Have you know much more about Runescape now,I hope so that you can enjoy playing Runescape very much!

Top Five Reasons For Playing RuneScape

Five Reasons why you should choose RuneScape over other free MMORPG games.

1 – It’s the most popular MMORPG in the world

RuneScape, as Jagex humbly claims, is the ‘ Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game ‘. It is probably the only game that every single person who’s at least a bit interested in RPG games knows about. And, as we know, popularity draws a lot of attention, meaning that RuneScape has a very large community. Of course, high popularity has some negative effects, too. That’s why botters and other types of cheaters are almost an everyday sight in RuneScape. That doesn’t really affect game-play much – only at the lower levels, maybe.

2 – There’s always something to do in RuneScape

RuneScape has a lot of events – for every season celebration (Christmas, Easter, etc). There’s also some bonus events – some of them in the forums, some in-game (these are mostly members-only). Even when no events are happening, you can still find a lot of what to do – you could be a merchant (sell or buy items) and make money, have a party (Falador party room), play mini-games with your friends or other people, and much, MUCH more.

3 – There’s no classes in RuneScape

Unlike almost every other RPG game, RuneScape doesn’t have classes – the same person can be a melee warrior, an adept magician, and a skilled archer all in the same. This makes combat in RuneScape highly flexible – you never know when an enemy will drop his sword and cast a deadly fire blast on you. I think that this is one of the main things that separates RuneScape from other games of similar genres.

4 – There are a lot of combat skills in RuneScape

RuneScape has three ‘ main ‘ combat skills: melee, ranged, magic. Melee is also separated into 3 ‘ side skills ‘: Attack (the chance of hitting an enemy), Strength (the damage caused by successful attacks), Defense (the chance to evade someone else’s attacks). This is another interesting feature of RuneScape – you must use a skill to level it up. When you fight, every single point of damage caused by you will be calculated towards your EXP. Even your character’s level (or ‘ combat level ‘) is calculated according to the level of your combat skills. There are also other skills (for P2P users) that aren’t directly associated with combat, but still increase your character’s level. Basically, the combat is extremely well-designed.

5 – There are even more non-combat skills in RuneScape

Aside from the awesome combat skills, RuneScape also has many non-combat skills. That includes crafting, blacksmithing, fletching, etc. You can make almost anything that you use in the game by crafting skills. Which means that, while playing RuneScape, you won’t spend all of your time fighting things. Actually, you might as well spend more time ‘ working ‘ than fighting. On the other hand, crafting skills are highly limited for free players, but it’s your choice whether you choose to pay or not.

Hope these reason can help you to know much more abou the Runescape and want to play Runescape more ofen!