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May 19, 2010

The newest and the best 1-120 RuneScape Dungeoneering guide

Dungeoneering is the newest skill. It has been added in April 2010 in RuneScape. It combines a variety of skills and puts your logic to the test. You will gain Dungeoneering XP by finishing dungeons under Daemonheim. Through this skill you will be able to access almost all the other game’s skills, and you will get XP for all of the skills, too!

First you will need to get to Daemonheim. There are three ways:

1. Cast Lumbridge Teleport spell and then pass over the River Lum to the east. If you already finished Prince Ali Rescue quest you can pass through the Al-Kharid Gate for free. After passing the toll gate go south and take the ship to Daemonheim.

2. If you are an invincible adventurer, then pay a visit to Daemonheim through Wilderness. Just north-east of the Lumber Mill and Varrock.

3. If you visited Daemonheim before, you will be able to use the Ring of Kinship’s ability Teleport to Daemonheim. It will teleport you in the front of Daemonheim.

The following map will show you how to reach Daemonheim for Lumbridge using the first two ways.

Now that you have reached Daemonheim speak to the Dungeoneering tutor. He will give you the Ring of Kinship (if it’s your first visit). You will require it to enter the dungeons and to teleport to Daemonheim.

You will now need to select a floor and an complexity. The higher the floor number is, the worse the monsters will be. The higher the complexity level is, the bigger the dungeon will be and more skills will be used while Dungeoneering.

Left Click on your Ring Of Kinship or Right Click and select Open Party Interface. Then Hit the button Change near Floor and select the floor you wish to play on. In the beginning you’ll only be available to play floor 1. You must have a bigger Dungeoneering level to access higher floors. Now hit the button Change near Complexity and select the complexity level you wish. In the beginning you can only play on level 1. Playing level 1 will unlock level 2 and so on until level 6. The following images should make it more clear to you:

Now you are ready to enter your first dungeon! After you entered the building just left click or right click and select Climb down to enter the dungeon.

You will be in a room with some tables. I have chosen complexity 6, so I will not get anything in the beginning, except of my Fractite Platebody. I’ve got it because I have selected it in a previous dungeon and chosen Bind option. Binding items will allow you to keep them from one to another dungeon. At level 50 you will be able to bind 2 items simultaneously. At level 100 you can bind 3 items, and 4 item at level 120. Did I mention before Dungeoneering has 120 levels instead of 99 like other skills? No? Then I mention it now: Dungeoneering has 120 levels instead of 99 like other skills.The image below shows you things that you usually find in the starting room.


yellow arrow: Smuggler. The Smuggler will sell you basic items like tinderboxes and hatchets and will buy everything from you, so you can get money for the useless drops you get.

orange arrow: Rune-Crafting altar. You can use it to craft ANY kind of runes. The best thing is that you can craft for example chaos runes even if you are not a member. And you don’t need pure essence. You can buy Rune Essence from the smuggler for 50 gp each or you can get it like a drop from monsters in different quantities.

red arrow: Furnace and Anvils. I hope you already know what to use them for…

blue arrow: Door. You will need to pas through doors to complete a dungeon. Every dungeon in like a labyrinth that you’ll need to pass. First time you try to open a door it will show you what is in the next room, before entering it. Some doors are skill-limited, so you will require a certain level at ANY skill to open it. Be aware that you can harm yourself while trying to open a skill door. The doors with high-level requirements, like level 85 strength will usually lead to bonus rooms. I’ll talk about rooms later.

white arrow: Key. Other doors can be locked with certain forms and colours of keys. The colours are: blue, yellow, red, green, silver, gold. The forms are: corner, crescent, diamond, pentagon, rectangle, shield, triangle and wedge. You will require the same key with the door to open it. The keys can be found only one per room, in every room, excepting the ones with bosses.

First, take all the stuff from the tables. Sell the useless stuff and equip any useful armor and weapon you get. Now you have to enter a door and to pass in the next room.


yellow arrows: Monsters. Every room is usually filled with monsters. You must defeat them to be able to advance to the next room(s), if there are others.

blue arrow: Door. A door to the next room.

red arrow: In some rooms you will find useful tools to create things using your skills. The spinning wheel here will help you craft stuff, like the one in Lumbridge Castle.

white arrow: There’s a key behind that wall. See on mini-map.

Hint: Things dropped in a dungeon will NEVER disappear if you are playing alone. If you are in party with someone else, every drop can be taken by another players.

As you see in the picture I have found a key that is able to open a door. In this case, they are both green corner.

Just walk through the rooms and kill the monsters. In your adventures you will meet deadly monsters and will have to solve impossible puzzles. Some of them also require skill levels.

Now, let’s talk about rooms. Rooms can contain: monsters, keys, doors to other rooms, useful tools through which you can create stuff with your skills (example: a mining rock, a spinning-wheel, an altar etc.) and puzzles. Puzzles must to be solved before you can use ANY of the doors in that room, exepting the one you came from.

The worst rooms are the boss rooms. To finish a dungeon you must kill the boss in the room and climb the ladder which will appear. You will win then experience, depending on how good you have completed the dungeon. You will have more XP for higher floors and complexities, for finishing all the bonus room and for the size of the room, but you will also lost if you died… The more time you died, the more XP you will lose. The following image shows the message that will show when completing a dungeon.

You will also get ome tokens, depending on how may XP you have won. You will get the tenth part of the XP without any approximation. For example, 1569 XP gained will mean 156.9 tokens, so 156 tokens. You will not get any tokens for the decimals! So, even if it were 360 XP or 369 XP, the amount of tokens will be 36.

These are all collected from other site,I'am think this should be enough for you to start Dungeoneering. Good luck for you,and hope you can enjoy playing Runescape new skill very much!


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